Roast Vegetables with Quinoa

Quinoa veggies 7Thank you, Joaquin Phoenix. Why, you ask? When I initially read about quinoa, the only way I could remember the correct pronunciation was by saying this sentence: would Wah-keen like some keen-wah? See? It works! So, thank you Mr Phoenix, brilliant actor and moderately strange human being-slash-space cadet, for preventing major embarrassment when talking to my friends about this super healthy grain seed!

In my attempt to eat more vegetarian dishes, I discovered the deliciousness of roasting peppers, onion, baby tomatoes and carrots, and adding it to sautéed whole tomatoes and beans. This meal is protein-rich, full of goodness, and drenched in yumminess.

Roast Vegetables with Quinoa

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
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Quinoa roast veg 11 yellow, red & green pepper, halved lengthways and deseeded
1 red onion, halved
250g baby tomatoes
3 carrots, peeled & halved lengthways
1 stalk celery, sliced
1 tin red kidney beans, drained
1 tin whole peeled tomatoes
1 teaspoon paprika
1 heaped teaspoon garlic
1 tablespoon Greek pesto
1 cup vegetable stock
½ cup quinoa
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 handful Italian parsley
Olive oil

Making it happen:

Quinoa roast veg 21. Preheat your oven to 200°C (400°F). Grill the peppers (skin side up), onion, baby tomatoes and carrots for 15-20 minutes until the peppers have blackened. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool.



Quinoa roast veg102. While the roasted veggies are cooling, drizzle the olive oil (just enough to cover the surface) into a large pan over medium heat and pour in the drained red kidney beans and tinned tomatoes. Add the celery, paprika, garlic, lemon juice and Greek pesto, and simmer.


Quinoa roast veg 33. While the above is simmering, peel and slice the peppers and slice the carrots, adding them to the pan. Simmer for 5 minutes.



Quinoa roast veg 54. Rinse the quinoa in a sieve under cold water. Pour the vegetable stock and quinoa into the pan, and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat to medium-low and simmer for 15 minutes until the quinoa is cooked.


Quinoa roast veg 65. Garnish with Italian parsley.

6 thoughts on “Roast Vegetables with Quinoa

  1. Hi gen – I came here after responding to the sweet 16 post – and by the way / reading it again I really loved the point about not waiting til New Years for hope and goals – such a layered wise post.
    Ok – so I am reading some back posts and seriously would not even mention this right now if we did not already chat a bit about yoga and if you did not mention body healing.
    Just two things – IMHO-
    Never use that lemon juice again- get fresh lemons – seriously – the sulfites and deadness of bottled lemon is no Bueno on many accounts – and I was actually going to mention lemon in the yoga reply cos u asked if I had advice and real lemon is actually a top five healing item I suggest to folks (sipping lemon water and lemon water enemas) but that comment was long enough- ha- so anyhow – there is a difference and with all those fresh veggies a real lemon would give you much more life – and helps kill microbes as it alkalizes the body –
    and not an expert but heard the allicin in container garlic is poor and has other issues- so really suggest fresh minced.
    Side note – few guru friends got me ordering garlic capsules and not helpful for a colorful recipe like the meal here – but is a fantastic supplement for health – and so cheap – so be sure to check out garlic oil capsules – worth every penny and helps fight off old and new microbes that invade our body.


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